
How To Repair Scratches On Sunglasses

If you wear spectacles, then you lot know there is a right fashion and a wrong fashion to handle them. As careful every bit you may exist at times, yous but can't help but driblet them, or bang them upward sometimes. If it's your starting time fourth dimension with glasses, you need to learn how to get scratches out safely and effectively.

Sure we tin save our glasses from replacement, just sometimes the deep scratches and other damages to your spectacles or blueish calorie-free-blocking spectacles crave yous to buy new. It's not a prudent idea to spend that kind of money at your prescription eyewear provider if your spectacles only have a few scrapes. Thankfully, at that place is something you lot tin can practise to fix that little scratch hovering before you lot without breaking the bank.

Beneath is our guide on how to remove scratches from your favorite eyeglasses before it slowly drives you insane. The best part? It is a quick ready that tin exist accomplished in v minutes and only needs a few household items.

How to Remove Scratches from Spectacles

Step 1: Clean

Start by cleaning your glasses with a lens cleaner and microfiber material to become rid of any grit and debris.

Wiping glasses lens with a yellow microfiber cloth.
LeeAnn Whittemore/The Manual

Footstep 2: Mix Solution

Side by side, mix one to 2 teaspoons of blistering soda with just enough water to course a thick paste.

Baking soda paste on a small saucer with a tablespoon beside the saucer.
LeeAnn Whittemore/The Manual

Footstep iii: Apply Solution

Spread the paste over the damaged areas of your lens using a microfiber cloth or cotton ball, rubbing gently in a circular motion with minimal pressure.

Baking soda solution on glasses lens.
LeeAnn Whittemore/The Manual

Stride 4: Rinse

In one case you lot've spread the paste over all of the damaged areas, rinse your glasses well with water to get rid of any remaining residue.

Rinsing the lens with running water.
LeeAnn Whittemore/The Manual

Step 5: Clean Again

Give them another quick clean with your lens cleaner and a microfiber textile, and relish a bit of extended life for your glasses. And there you have it. In five easy steps, your spectacles accept gone from looking similar a pair of Mad Max goggles to something y'all can really see through. Now go forth and see!

Eyeglasses placed on a wooden table.
LeeAnn Whittemore/The Transmission
A toothbrush and toothpaste on a sink in a bathroom.

What Non to Do

Y'all'll oftentimes run across a recommendation to spread toothpaste over your lenses and gently rub it in to remove scratches. While this can work, information technology'southward important to proceed in listen that you have to use non-gel, non-annoying, not-whitening toothpaste or yous risk making the damage worse. We advise steering clear of toothpaste altogether, as our method is just as constructive and non nearly as risky.

Another common way is to employ glass etching solutions to get rid of damaged coating (like anti-glare coating, for case) from lenses. Technically, this will work, only you're taking a risk here, too. If the solution sits on your actual lenses for likewise long, it can really do a number on them. If you lot opt for this method, simply exist enlightened that you could end upwardly doing far worse damage than a minor scratch — plus, you'll lose the benefit of any protective coating on your lenses.

Tips to Preclude Scratches

If you want to extend the life of your spectacles, you might want to follow these tips to preclude scratches. Accumulated scratches will, over time, make your spectacles more difficult to use, and replacing them doesn't come cheap.

  • Endeavor to keep your glasses on.
  • Carry your case with you lot when traveling.
  • Make certain your case has a hard protective surface.
  • Don't drop your spectacles lens down.

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