
How To Repair An Exterior Metal Door Video

Steel Door Repair: Repair a Dented Steel Door

Utilize auto body filler for an invisible door repair

FH07FEB_REPDEN_01-2 Family Handyman

Make an invisible dent repair in a steel door the same way you lot practise information technology on your car, using the same auto body filler. Even a novice tin master the simple techniques.

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Stride 1: Sand the damaged area

Photograph 1: Remove the paint

Remove paint effectually the dent with a wire bicycle. Roughen the blank metal with 60-grit sandpaper.

Fill a dent or hole in a steel door the aforementioned way a body shop would set up your car. You tin can do this with the door in place, but it will be easier with the door lying flat on sawhorses. Remove an area of pigment a couple of inches larger than the damaged spot (Photo 1). Sand abroad the paint with 60- or 80-grit paper, or practise the task faster with a small wire bicycle in a drill.

Tip: If the damage is most the bottom of the door, you can skip the repair and embrace it with a metal boot plate (find at home centers and hardware stores). Kick plates are well-nigh 8 in. wide and come up in lengths to match standard doors.

Stride 2: Use the filler

Photo 2: Apply auto body filler

Mix motorcar body filler and fill the paring using a wide putty pocketknife. Avoid leaving humps or ridges. If necessary, add together more filler afterwards the offset layer hardens.

Side by side, fill the wound with auto torso filler (notice at hardware stores and dwelling house centers). To mix the filler, place a scoop of resin on a scrap of plywood or hardboard. Then add together the hardener. Mix the 2 components thoroughly; unmixed resin won't harden and you'll be left with a sticky mess. A plastic putty knife makes a good mixing tool.

Utilize the filler with a metal putty pocketknife that's wider than the damaged spot (Photograph 2). The filler will start to harden in simply a couple of minutes, and so you have to piece of work fast. Fill the repair affluent with the surrounding surface. Don't overfill it and don't attempt to smooth out imperfections subsequently the filler begins to harden. Adding some other coat of filler is easier than sanding off humps.

Step 3: Polish and pigment

Photograph 3: Sand the filler smooth

Sand the filler smooth with 100-dust paper. Use a sanding block to ensure a apartment surface. Prime the repair and paint the entire door.

When the filler has hardened completely (about 30 minutes), sand it smooth (Photo 3). Afterwards priming the repair, you could paint over the primer only. Just the new paint won't perfectly match the older paint, and then information technology'due south best to repaint the entire door.

Required Tools for this Project

Have the necessary tools for this DIY project lined up earlier you lot showtime—y'all'll salve time and frustration.

Required Materials for this Project

Avert last-minute shopping trips by having all your materials ready ahead of time. Hither'southward a listing.

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